This Free Google Slides template allows you to play Jeopardy style game on Google Slides with the Christmas theme. Features Christmas questions that is appropriate for kids to enjoy. This Christmas Jeopardy Google Slides template can be used as is or customized. You can change the questions and/or answers and reimport the questions into the template.
In order to play you need to install Question Quest Game addon to your Google Slides.
Template Features:
- 25 Christmas related questions – kid friendly.
- Blue shade Color Scheme, easily configurable using Color Themes for Slides
- Requires Question Quest Game to play a full Jeopardy Style game using sidebar controls.
- Template preview link for Christmas Jeopardy Google Slides Template
Sample Questions included in this Christmas template.
What flying animal pulls Santa’s sleigh? |
What do people often put on top of a Christmas tree? |
What sweet treat is often hung on Christmas trees? |
What red plant is associated with Christmas? |
Who is known for stealing Christmas in a Dr. Seuss story? |
What do children often leave out for Santa on Christmas Eve? |
What color suit does Santa Claus typically wear? |
What holiday movie features a child left home alone? |
What is the name of Santa’s reindeer with a red nose? |
In the song, what did my true love give to me on the first day of Christmas? |
Sample questions screenshot
ChatGPT Prompt to create your own questions and copy directly into your spreadsheet
create 25 jeopardy type questions with a Christmas theme for kids, have one question each line and the question bounded by double quotes, answer bounded by double quotes and question and answer separated by comma. example format “what do people typically eat during thanksgiving dinner?”,”Turkey”
Steps to install Question Quest (Jeopardy Style Game)
Step 1: visit Question Quest Google Workspace Marketplace page or visit Google Slides Extension Menu -> Add(ons) -> Get Addons
Step 2: click install, select your Google account you want to use Question Quest
Step 3: Authorization, click Allow
Step 4: Reload Google Slides and Access Google Slides Extension Menu -> Question Quest Menu
Steps to Configure Question Quest (Jeopardy Style Game)
Step 1: Go to Google Slides Menu -> Extensions -> Question Quest Game -> Configure (skip all these steps if you use the template above.)
Step 2: Pick your template color on the sidebar and then click Import
Step 3: wait until the slides show up and then click X on the dialog.
Step 4: copy Questions spreadsheet template by the clicking the link
Step 5: Update Your questions and answers here, DO NOT CHANGE COLUMN A AND B, AND DO NOT CHANGE HEADINGS.
Step 6: After updating your questions and answers, copy and paste the spreadsheet url back into your Google Slides Question Quest Sidebar, then click import questions.
Step 7: Reset All and Cover all answers before you play
Steps to Play Question Quest (Jeopardy Style Game)
Step 1: Go to Google Slides Extensions Menu -> Question Quest Menu -> Play
Step 2: Make sure to hide the left sidebar showing all your slides, question quest is meant to be played in Google Slides Edit mode(not present mode)
Step 3: (optional) You can also hide the menu system if you want more screen real estate.
Step 4: (start playing) Let a team select a category then which box, 100 to 500.
Step 5: Say player pick 100 – they’ll be sent to the Category 1 – 100 points, once player gives the answer you can click Reveal Answer
Step 6: Once the answer is revealed you can give score to either Team A or Team B
Step 7: Say you Give Score to Team A, this is what it looks like you can then click Go back to Main Screen.
Step 8: Once in the main screen, you can continue playing. The screen be illustrates what if a box is already chosen, it’s disabled on the sidebar. Points are also carried back to the main screen.
If you find this helpful, please consider sharing this with someone that might benefit from using this addon.