Free Family Feud Template for Google Slides (Blue Shade)

Posted bysmooth slides guy

This Google Slides template allows you to play Family Feud Style Games with your students. Contains basic questions. Points are tracked and credited to 2 teams. Fully customizable for your own questions and answers. Have the classic Family feud X, XX or XXX if the player wasn’t able to guess a correct answer.

Template Features:

Sample Questions:

  • Name a kind of bell
  • Name a food that gets bigger when it’s cooked
  • Name a food recognizable by it’s odoor
  • Name a type of animal you might see at a beach
  • Name something people spend their tax returns on

Link Below Redirects to an Empty Template

Link to empty template

Link Below Redirects to a Template with 20 Questions of the Same Style plus two bonus templates! (please sign in)

Steps to install Classroom Feud Addon

  1. download Classroom Feud addon for Google Slides to play or go to Google Slides menu -> Extension -> Get addon.
  2. select your google account you want to use (if you have multiple)
  3. authorize the addon

Screenshot to install:

Steps to Play Family Feud using Classroom Feud Addon.

  1. copy the Family Feud template
  2. In Google Slides open the play screen via Extensions Menu -> Classroom Feud Game -> Play
  3. If you are on the first page, it will show Start Round on the Play Sidebar
  4. If you are on a question page, it will show you buttons to show answer on the Play Sidebar

Screenshot to play:

Steps to Configure Family Feud using Classroom Feud Addon.

  1. open an empty Google slide by entering in the browser location bar.
  2. In Google Slides open the configure screen via Extensions Menu -> Classroom Feud Game -> Configure
  3. In the Configure Sidebar follow Step 1: Select a template and click Import Template Slide.
  4. In the Configure Sidebar follow Step 2: Copy the questions template by clicking the “Use this Questions Spreadsheet Template”
  5. Remove existing questions and enter your questions be sure to retain the SLIDENUMBER column as well as all the column headings.
  6. In the Configure Sidebar follw Step 3: Copy the url of your spreadsheet into Step 3 and then click Import Questions.

Screenshot to configure:

YouTube Video on How to Use:

youtube thumbnail for youtube video making your own family feud game

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